Retail / Showroom Premises - Turners Cross Retail Park, Kinsale Road, Cork
- Modern Fully Fitted High Profile premises
- Adjoining Woodies, Homestore & More, Harry Corry, Halpenny Golf, Kube Kitchens and DID Electrical
- Includes ancillary space for offices, stores, canteen and comms
- Suited to a wide variety of retail uses
- c. 506 sq.m. (5,620 sq.ft.)
- 30 car parking spaces
- New long term lease
- Quoting Rent: c. €120,000 per annum
- Rates: c.€5.90 per sq.ft.
- Insurance: c.€1,500 per annum
- Service Charge: c.€2,500 per annum
Contact: Nicholas Corson on 01 614 7900